Monday, March 31, 2014

Climate change: Portugal threatened by mega-fires, windstorms and floods

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The risk of forest fires, in particular mega-fires, will continue to increase in Portugal and southern Europe, as well as the risk of gales. This trend, which has gained a strong proportion from the years 70, due to the accumulation of fuel, climate change and meteorological events, will extend to Portugal, France, Greece, Spain, Italy and Turkey.

On the other hand, the coastal flooding will affect up to 5.5 million people in the South and Northern Europe, with direct costs that can reach the € 17 billion. Summer tourism in the Mediterranean-and winter tourism in the mountains â€" will decrease with increasing temperature and, in southern Europe, the conditions of saturation and drainage associated with the rainy season will be restricted to certain periods in winter and Spring.

These are the four main conclusions of the new report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on climate change), which met this morning in Yokohama, Japan, to discuss the impacts of climate change around the world.

The report involved the work of thousands of scientists and experts, and is considered a strategic document to substantiate the climate policies on a global scale and of the individual countries.

Globally, the four main conclusions points out the real risks, varied and far-reaching climate change, and uncertainty about the severity of the impacts is not a reason to delay action. On the other hand, the poorest and most marginalized communities will be the hardest hit and there is a unique solution for the adaptation to climate that serve everyone â€" for some impacts will not be viable adaptation.

Key messages of the report

In a report under the sign of four, were these the key messages presented by the Group of scientists. Thus, they came to the conclusion that the Earth and ocean warming is unequivocal, being currently motivated by climate change and, to a large extent caused by human activity.

The scientists ' understanding about current and emerging risks associated with climate change are increasing, and, on the other hand, the impacts of rising temperatures are deep about economic growth, food security, economic, social and cultural inequalities.

According to the IPCC, developing countries and rural communities tend to be the hardest hit due to the impacts on food production, livelihoods and local economies. So many people from all over the world are highly vulnerable to global warming, even if less than two degrees compared to pre-industrial levels.

Finally, the coming decades â€" up to 2040 â€" correspond to the era of "climate responsibility", and the uncertainty is no reason to delay the climate action. The report of the second working group highlights a number of future directions that may take the development and impacts of climate change; the measures we take now will determine how can we minimize the more negative scenarios. It is also clear that, with regard to climate change, it's cheaper to act now than to postpone.

Europe is still threatened

Europe is one of the continents most affected by climate change. Northern Europe and the central area of the United Kingdom will continue to be heavily affected by the floods, affecting more than double the current annual damage. Considering the impacts of flooding on economic growth, make good any damage caused by the floods in Europe could increase 17 times against a backdrop of temperature rise of 5.5° c.

Europe is a global supplier of food, so global food security will be affected by the drop in productivity related to climate change, including diseases and fungi.

The value of forests in Europe may fall up to several hundred billions of euros, and the incidence of wood beetles, fungi and diseases is expected to increase.

On the other hand, the warmer temperatures in the sea and ocean acidification will have impact on fisheries and sea industry.

Climate change have affected and continue to affect all aspects of biodiversity in Europe, including the time of Spring migration of birds and their breeding season. It is expected that adequate habitats for breeding birds of Europe move almost 550 km by the end of the century.

Finally, up to 9% of mammals are at risk of extinction and even 78% can be seriously threatened. Currently, a new species from distant places reaches the Mediterranean Sea every 4 or 5 weeks. This fee will increase over time.

The IPCC warns that there is a need for an immediate reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to avoid passing the limit of global warming to 2 degrees Celsius, with which the European Union and all the other Nations pledged in Copenhagen. The European climate ambition hasn't changed in the last five years and its proposal for 40% emissions reductions by 2030 is not a guarantee that we will be under a warming of 2 degrees Celsius.

Foto: Kyle Taylor, Dream It. Do It/Creative Commons

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The whales that are captured and trained for the marine shows

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Are sea creatures that look like they're always happy. But it is only an appearance, because, in fact, these belugas are far from happy. Every year in Nilmoguba, a small village in northern Russia, near the Arctic Circle, hundreds of belugas are captured to begin a long, sad journey in captivity for the amusement of humans.

The seizure is authorized by the Russian Government, since the team that captures these whales have licenses to do so. Later, the animals are trained not to fear humans and to perform the tricks that let humans in apotheosis in aquaparques. The training takes about six months and â€" if they survive, because only half the animals adapt to this life in captivity-are later transported to circuses and aquariums for display.

Of the hundreds of belugas that are captured every year, one out of every two refuses to be fed by zookeepers. If you don't manage to adapt, the animals eventually die very quickly due to the traumatic experience or food shortages.

The beluga, which means "white" in Russian, is a small whale that reaches the white color in the adult State. The body of this species of whale is robust, with a round head and large layers of fat.

It is estimated that there are between 40 to 80 000 belugas in the world. These whales are also known as the "Canaries of the sea", due to the melodious sounds they emit, which can be heard outside of water. The diet of belugas is essentially on fish, squid and crustaceans. Its 34 teeth are prepared not to chew but to grasp and tear their prey. In the wild these animals have few predators, only encounters with orcas or polar bears represent a real danger.

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Brazil rejects proposal to ban cosmetics testing on animals

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The proposal submitted by the NGO Humane Society International (HSI) to end, once and for all, with the testing of cosmetics on animals was denied by the National Council for the control of Animal experimentation (Concea).

The European Union, India and Israel already have banned the testing of cosmetics on animals. The United States, Australia and New Zealand have created legislative proposals to ban this practice in the beauty industry. But Brazil seems to be going in the opposite direction of this worldwide movement.

According to the pró-animal organization, this type of procedure is unethical, since it causes pain to animals for consumption of disposable products, which can be replaced by other techniques already adopted by companies of beauty industry that if this practice disfellowshipped.

Despite the technical advice which proved the viability of prohibition and the petition with tens of thousands of signatures, the Concea not approved the proposal, whose vote had been promised for October. Thus, this organ chose to propose a new regulation requiring Labs to use alternatives to animal testing, five years after being validated by the Government.

"Two-thirds of Brazilians support the banning of tests and 170 members of Congress also advocate the Federal idea. It's a shame that the Brazilian regulators cannot respect the opinion of the population and their representatives, who have expressed consistently its strong opposition to animal testing to the beauty industry, "said Helder Constantine, spokesperson for the campaign free of cruelty, of HSI, quoted by the sustainable planet.

Foto: Commons

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Australian company creates machine that puts trees without the kill

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The company ArborCo, based in the city of Melbourne, South of Australia, who specializes in the treatment and transplantation of trees, has recently created a machine that puts trees without the killing, reports the website Invest.

In association with VicRoads-Australian State of Victoria company that plans, develops and administers the network of roads, the ArborCo began transplanting trees as part of works between two roads in Berwick, a suburb of the city of Melbourne.

To this end, the ArborCo uses a truck with special equipment to dig and remove trees without damaging its roots, and then transport them safely to your new location. Quickly and effectively, and without harming the environment, everything is solved.

This type of machinery is able to avoid cutting so many trees, which often turn out to be felled for the execution of works due to the impossibility of being transported to new locations.

The transplantation of trees is accomplished when the mature trees grow and become inadequate in the location where they are. The ArborCo transplant the trees of all ages and sizes, and may also acquire mature trees for new features or landscaping.

The ArborCo team performs all aspects of mature trees transplant operations, which requires specialized knowledge in Arboriculture, together with experience, skill and equipment that few people possess.

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

The British home was saved by miracle of floods

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In February gave him to know the story of Sam Notaro, a British constructor who fought desperately to save their House, in Somerset, the flooding that swept the British zone. Sam bought the House four years ago, for €1,2 million, and would not give up his first setback.

They bought the House, Sam and his wife knew she could suffer from floods, so construíuram a-foot moat around the House, waterproofing with bricks and a pump system to remove the water.

The recent floods, however, were not expected by family Notaro-or by the British Government-and therefore the future of housing remained, for several weeks, in danger.

According to British media, however, this story has a happy ending. The constructor â€" which she defended her home alone and counted on the support of friends, via boat, to feed â€" turned out to be able to save the House, as you can see in the last two photos from our gallery-the first pictures show the condition of the House during the worst phase of the flood.

It is recalled that, for several weeks, 40 square kilometers of land in Somerset were under water â€" about 7,000 homes were flooded, dozens of villages were devastated and the transport system, road and rail, disappeared.

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Retailer card swap by English plastic egg cartons

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Retail giant Tesco has announced it will no longer use cardboard boxes for eggs, use plastic feathers in an attempt to prevent more than a million eggs per year are wasted.

The supermarket has announced that it is testing a packaging from recycled plastic, arguing that "If an egg breaks, the infiltration can be contained in the package", unlike in cardboard boxes.

Over the past eight weeks, Tesco has been testing their packaging of 12 eggs in about 200 stores in the area of Livingston, Scotland, and in Belfast, in Northern Ireland, according to Edie.

Coach Lee Gray pointed out that "the plastic containers reduce food waste", being that the Tesco now has "a package that also offers a more ecological packing solution" to its clients.

"If used in all ranges of eggs will save, on average, more than a million eggs a year," he added.

The supermarket also pointed out that the new packaging will occupy less space during transport-as well as on store shelves â€" and will reduce carbon emissions to the atmosphere.

Foto: keithhopper/Creative Commons

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Indian start-up creates ring-shaped device that can help visually impaired

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Rohildev, an Indian of 23 years, created through its technological start-up a device that could revolutionize the use of the Basic objects of everyday life. Additionally, the appliance, ring-shaped, can be a precious help for the blind.

The product, called Fin, adapter is a hardware device to use ring-shaped thumb and converts the Palm in a gestural interface. The device is equipped with sensors that can accurately recognize each phalanx of fingers. The built-in Bluetooth technology lets you connect the Fin to other devices, such as television, smartphone, computer and other electronic equipment.

Once it recognizes with great precision the Palm of the human hand cannot assign different functions to each segment of the fingers, that are performed while playing with your thumb on the desired phalanx. Thus, with a simple touch you can make emergency calls, mute the phone, answer a call, change the music you're listening to or change the channel, the Times of India.

All these possibilities of the Fin can help improve the lives of blind people, once with a simple touch can dial a phone number, open and read e-mails or phone messages, use interactive maps and make small basic gestures without having to get out of the same place. For people with disabilities who have to resort to the use of a wheelchair, the Fin can also be helpful because it allows you to control the equipment if they are electric.

To finance the construction of the Fin, Rohildev started a crowdfunding platform Indiegogo campaign. The initial aim was raise €72,5 thousand (R $ 230 thousand). However, the concept of the device was well received and the project turned out to raise €145 thousand (R $ 460 thousand), donated by 1,600 people from all over the world that pré-encomendaram the equipment. Each ring Fin will be sold by €87 ($ 277), but the price should decrease if the product is mass-produced.

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Old abandoned trailer transformed into a haven of luxury

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The Belgian architect Karel Verstraeten transformed an old trailer custom hut for a garden. Second counts the inhabitat, space owners have bought small wooden structure for a little over $ 15, having asked the architect to renovate a relaxing haven for your backyard.

The result was a small cabin, where the family now has the opportunity to socialize, relax and study. At the end of the trailer, Verstreaeten implemented a window, similar to the Summit of a submarine, which lets in light and acts as a privileged observatory for everything that's going on out there.

The floor and the ceiling are covered with plywood and the corners were rounded to provide a more comfortable atmosphere and open to the interior.

Several planks of wood were attached to the walls so that they can be placed at different levels to be used as a dining table, coffee table, or even as a bed. See some of the photos from shelter.

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Rotterdam Central station will be solar powered

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The Centraal Station of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands â€" a gigantic public transport station serving 110 thousand people every day-has been renewed and, according to Inhabitat, one of the main changes is the installation of solar panels that will provide the electricity needed for the operation of the site.

Built in 1957, the building was in need of major renovation and increases, since it provides that in 2025 the number of daily users increased to 323 thousand. In addition to the new steel cover, one of the highlights of the work, the interior has a more international aspect and the building was designed to merge better with the surrounding urban landscape.

The old building closed in September 2007 and was subsequently demolished. During the construction of the new station, a temporary station was built next to the new building, using the original platforms.

The new space has a transparent roof that allows natural light penetration and the various stairwells and elevators allow the passage of light to the lower floors. Additionally, more than a third of the roof was fitted with photovoltaic cells, which should generate 320 megawatts per year.

Photovoltaic cells are transparent to ensure that, at the same time that capture solar energy, allow the penetration of natural light in the building. These cells create still shadow patterns that allow you to control the amount of light entering and create patterns on the floor of the station.

The new Centraal Station also has an underground car park with a capacity for 750 cars and 5,000 bicycles.

The renovation of the space was in charge of Benthem Crouwel Architects, Architects and MVSA landscape architecture Studio West 8. The new station was opened on 13 March of this year by King Willem-Alexander. 

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Alentejo birds seek funds for school project

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Portuguese society for the study of birds (SPEA) launched a campaign of crowdfunding to raise funds for the school project birds of Alentejo. The aim is to extend the program for environmental education to more students from schools of Alentejo.

The fundraising campaign runs until 20 May and intends to raise € 4,000 for the project can visit over 50 schools and pass the thousand children the importance of wild birds that live in the region. Those interested in supporting the project here.

"We want to convey that it is possible to reconcile the agriculture and rural development with the conservation of nature, preventing the extinction of species. These kids will be our ambassadors to sensitize parents, explaining to them the importance of conserving our natural values ", indicates Carlos, professor in charge of the project, a statement from the SPEA.

Currently, the project is developing actions in schools of the municipality of Évora, but the aim is to reach the entire district.

Photo: Rodrigo Sá/Creative Commons

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

University of Lisbon launches inquiry into sustainability and efficient use of resources

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The Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (UL) recently launched a survey to the public about sustainability and efficient use of resources in the European Union. The investigation is part of the study of Opinion, debate and Dissemination "European Union: sustainability and efficient use of resources", an initiative of the European Commission (EC).

The EC initiative integrates the communication plan for the information about the EU in Portugal in the context of the forthcoming elections for the European Parliament. The study, which is being driven by the Faculty of Sciences, focuses on the issues of redevelopment, sustainable development, green economy, energy and sustainability education to the sea.

The aim of the investigation released is "contribute to reflection and scientifically reasoned debate, giving voice to citizens about these themes and the policies of the European Union", reads the online page of the project. Participation in the inquiry can be made here.

In addition to the survey, the study foresees the realization of six debates in five cities of the country â€" Lisboa, Porto, Olhão, Sines and Aveiro. The discussions shall happen between April and September this year.

The study of opinion still has the collaboration of the Institute of social sciences, also from UL, and the Center for research on information technologies to a participatory democracy.

The Faculty of science research institution was chosen by the Jacques Delors European information centre and the Directorate-General for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct the study.

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Start-ups: Financial Times compares Lisbon to San Francisco

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Lisbon and San Francisco share many physical attributes: both spread in hills, have a suspended electrical &amp; Red Bridge. Now, the Portuguese capital is adopting the entrepreneurial spirit of the twin city when it comes to becoming a global centre for start-ups.

In an article published yesterday, the Financial Times (FT) writes about the similarities of the two cities and gives examples of young entrepreneurs who launched their start-ups in the Portuguese capital. According to British newspaper, Lisbon is a multicultural city thanks in no small part to the imperial past of Portugal. The FT gives as an example the Mayor of Lisbon, born in Lisbon but with roots in Goa.

In addition to the similarities, the paper highlights the good quality of life, with beaches 10 minutes from the Centre and the cost of living that is "much smaller than in other European capitals". The FT notes that the support for early-stage companies are increasing, supported by funding from private companies and the Government, as well as skilled labour, in particular at the level of engineering, which is formed of the schools of Lisbon.

Foto: gromgull/Creative Commons

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Want to be owner of a Portuguese goat? Know what to do (with video)

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Hugo Again, 36 years and graduated in biology and geology â€" and with a postgraduate degree in sustainable agriculture â€" changed the life of professor to fixate, with his wife, in the parish of Sistelo, which belongs to the Peneda-Gerês National Park.

His flock has already 40 females â€" of two Portuguese breeds, the bravia and serrana. "We were already facing the creation of Portuguese breeds, but we started thinking about alternative ways to do it," explained the green economy Hugo again. Thus, the entrepreneur has launched a campaign of crowdfunding named Adopt a goat and Save the Peneda.

With the development and maturation of the idea, Hugo Again took the concept and thought in the creation of a project which responds to the need of local intervention â€" in terms of sustainable management of ecosystem in terms of fire prevention.

Thus was born the 5th logic that, in addition to help prevent fires in this natural park â€" by reducing the Mandal in the forest sub-coberto-also has a component of production of milk and other products derived from goat.

The flock folder among the 12 3:0 pm, in summer â€" and less than half in the winter. "They manage the ecosystem by removing the combustible material in this ecosystem. Thus, he becomes more resilient and resistant to its main threats such as wildfires, "explains Hugo again.

From this moment, the Flock becomes "balancer of biodiversity", in the words of the teacher become pastor. "In one year, our herd of 40 goats removed 20 tons of bushes, transformed them into fertilizer and left this fertilizer to enrich the soil and allow the ecosystem becomes progressively more productive," concluded Hugo again.

The project allows anyone, anywhere to Portugal, to be a shepherd for a day, adopt a goat and follow the herd online. The particular adopter will be the owner of a web community herds. "Here there was vezeiras in which each group of five animals had a different owner. With our scheme, the owner of the animals can live in Lisbon and get his goat in our flock and integrated the environmental service in the Sierra and in the Peneda-Gerês National Park, "he stressed, hoping to reach the 200 goats in the short and medium term.

See the episode 228 of the economy â€" and try to resist the charm of the serrania of Minho.

Foto: horrapics/Creative Commons

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New application allows medical diagnosis via smartphone

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The smartphone that you carry in your pocket â€" and that probably uses more like a mini-computer than a phone â€" can become a key element for the future of medicine, thanks to a new application that allows the appliance to be used as a portable medical diagnosis device, making it easy and quick monitoring of medical conditions.

At present, mobile phones are much more than simple communication devices. These, when combined with its integrated camera and a new application, can also turn into systems capable of measuring, analysing and transmitting data, effectively between patients and doctors.

The new application was developed by the University of Cambridge, it's called Colorimetrix and uses the camera of smartphones to analyze with precision color-based medical examinations (colorimetric tests).

These colorimetric tests are used to monitor the urine, saliva or other bodily fluids of a patient in order to detect diseases such as diabetes, kidney diseases and urinary infections.

The weak point of these tests is the colorimetric interpretation, since it can be difficult to read accurately and are prone to false readings, leading to a possibility of incorrect diagnoses and treatment, according to Treehugger.

Also helps animals and monitors the environment

The Colorimetrix application is programmed to do a more accurate reading of these results, because it uses the camera and a data converter testing a numerical value, which can be viewed at ecrán the phone or sent to a health care professional in order to obtain a greater analysis and interpretation,

"The Colorimetrix Test Analyzer is an application that turns any smartphone into a portable spectrophotometer enabling measurement determination of colorimetric test strips or solutions", referred the company to the Treehugger.

This application will be available for Android and iOS platforms and provides accurately report the proteins, pH and glucose, from urine tests, no need to use any other hardware. Can be used to help animals and monitor the environment.

Read more about this application in Green Savers Angola.

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Finland: sustainable home houses three generations

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The Finnish architect Tuomas Siitonen designed a cheap and energy-efficient housing, which has the curious to gather three generations under one roof in Helsinki, capital of Finland.

The M-M House is covered in wood and is surrounded by forest. It lives a couple with two children, who commissioned it, and the great-grandmother of the children. The House was built at the bottom of a slope of a granite rock, on land belonging to the grandparents in the family. The village has 100 years.

To strengthen the connection between the two buildings, Siitonen involved the House around a garden where there are Apple trees and other vegetation type common throughout the village. On the other hand, the twisted roof of M-M House also dives into the surroundings, to avoid the obstruction of view.

Great-grandmother's quarters are located on the ground floor, in a small apartment within easy reach. The family lives in the greater area of the apartment, located on the upper level, where large Windows overlooking the treetops allow you an experience similar to a stay in a tree house.

In order to satisfy the wishes of our customers to the "ecological sustainability", Siitonen involved mainly the interior and exterior of the House in madeira, referred to inhabitat. Floor heating and cooling also help eliminate the need of independent radiators and reduce energy costs.

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Atmospheric pollution caused seven million deaths in 2012

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Air pollution has caused the death of seven million people in 2012, accounting for one in every eight deaths worldwide. The data are from the most recent report of the World Health Organization (who), which indicates that air pollution has become the "world's largest environmental risk to health".

The deaths are related to prolonged exposure to polluted air, and 3.7 million were caused by contaminated air in enclosed spaces and 4.3 million by air of outdoor spaces.

The data presented in the study reveal a greater link between air pollution and cardiovascular disease, strokes and cancer. Additionally the document emphasises the role of direct influence of pollution on respiratory diseases.

"The risks inherent in air pollution are now much larger than previously thought, in particular with regard to cardiovascular diseases and strokes", indicates the Director of who's Department of public health, Maria Neira. "Few risks have an impact so big in global health today than air pollution. These data indicate that more concerted action is needed to clean the air we all breathe, "stresses.

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Combat the seasonality of the Algarve with hiking in the Sierra (with video)

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It's been a long time since the senior tour in Northern Europe is in Portugal, a safe haven, but there are always new ideas and services available to this audience with high purchasing power. As the walks on the via algarviana, a journey of 300 miles between Alcoutim and Cape St. Vincent.

"They are hiking, with periods of a week or a fortnight," he explained to the green economy, Minister John of nature tourism consultant ProActiveTur.

"We made the trip and we prepare the complete plan. People are walking on the via algarviana and staying in various places. We have a network of local partners, in the villages, with whom we have worked for some time, "continued the charge.

One of them is the House of rural tourism in Salir, who can, through this service, counter the Portuguese interior crisis â€" and the seasonality of the Algarve. "They seek peace and ask for traditional foods. After strolling around, go to the Rocha da Pena ", said Ritesh Valerius, owner of MOM's House.

Are these tourists, seeking calm and relaxation of Algarve, which combat the seasonality of the economy of the region. And their abandonment. For those who prefer the coast, there are also specific pathways for birdwatching, as you can see in episode 227 of the green economy.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The most dangerous cities in the world

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There are cities that are stages of war, controlled by corrupt governments or gangs that have seized power. Get to know some of the most unsafe cities in the world both for tourists as for the inhabitants.

Security is central to that cities get more people and thus if assume as powerful centers of economy, sustainability, inclusion, business and cultural life. See some of the problems of the most dangerous cities in the world.

1. Karachi, Pakistan

Pakistan is known as a training ground for terrorist organisations and Karachi is the center of the House to join these organizations.

2. Mogadishu, Somalia

The civil war in Somalia in 1991 devastated and fractured the country and Mogadishu is technically considered its capital. However, Somalia lacks a strong central Government and almost the entire country has become a barbarian land without laws.

3. Grozny, Chechnya

Grozny, capital of Chechnya, is known for producing some of the most radical terrorists in Eastern Europe. Chechnya was the main reason for the high security at the Olympic Games in Sochi.

4. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

The leadership of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has devastated the country over the years and the nation is now anything but democratic. The governance of the country causes popular riots, encouraging violence in neighborhoods and the robbery.

5.Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Despite the proximity of the United States, the Mexican city, inhabited by 2.6 million people, is one of the most unsafe and dangerous in the world.

6.Cidade de Guatemala, Guatemala

In Guatemala, tourists are discouraged from using public transport or appear to be lost, since one of the main activities of the gangs is the theft of tourists.

7.Caracas, Venezuela

Caracas is historically one of the most dangerous cities in the world. And the current situation of Venezuela came worse, and how this situation.

8.Detroit, United States

In bankruptcy, Detroit became the scene of a post apocalyptic scenario and the few inhabitants that still remain are seen with degenerates or old to leave the city.

9. Bagdad, Iraq

The death of Saddam Hussein has not contributed much to appease the violence that is felt on the streets of Baghdad since it was considered, in 2008, the most dangerous city in the world.

10. Johannesburg, South Africa

Despite still being in the lists of the world's most dangerous cities, Johannesburg can be next to no longer be, in large part thanks to the 2010 football World Cup, which helped to improve security in the city.

Foto: Farhan Chawla/Creative Commons

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Wood burning stove of Alba WINS design world

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The historic Portuguese company Alba won the Red Dot, one of the biggest prizes in the world of design, with the wood burning stove Souto de Moura, today announced Peter Zec, founder and CEO of the award which rewards excellence in design.

The jury was composed of 40 design experts from all over the world and assessed proposals of 4,815 1,816 companies, architects and designers from 53 countries.

"This is the first World Prize of the company that is in the Portuguese collective imagination â€" furnished gardens and parks in the North and South of the country, since the beginning of the twentieth century â€" and is being relaunched by the fourth generation of the family Malonzo," explains the Alba said in a statement.

The award-winning equipment is a wood burning stove signed by Eduardo Souto de Moura, Pritzker Prize of architecture 2011.

The equipment stands out for its integrated composition of wood burning stove with space to store firewood. The door hides when open, collect completely, effortlessly through your handle with wood application of Sonukamini â€" an important aspect, in that it prevents the user burn when you put the wood in the interior.

The heating solution enables their harmonious integration into different environments and seating areas. The chimney may be cloaked, with posterior flue, allowing greater discretion of equipment in space.

The delivery of the prize will take place at the Gala of the Red Dot Award, on 7 July, Operates Home in Essen, Germany.

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Animal protection group campaign prevents death of 2,000 pigeons

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An American animal protection group SHARK, managed to avoid the death of about 2,000 pigeons would be hunted down by a local core of an Association of hunting and habitat conservation, Ducks Unlimited.

The hunt is an annual tradition, with more than 20 years, the core of Prior Lakes, Minnesota, the Ducks Unlimited.  However, this organization is not limited to hunting pigeons. The members hunt "phigeons" â€" the word "pigeon" (pigeon in English) and "pheasant" (pheasant). The "phigeons" are pigeons that are stuck with feathers, which gives them the appearance of a pheasant, and then are released for hunters.

When the SHARK became aware of this practice has launched a campaign to promote the massive practice that resulted in the cancellation of the hunting event scheduled for this year. The animal protection group disclosed the practice through various media and created a video where it's explained the event, referred to the Dodo.

"There was a tremendous effort from all involved, of all those who called and wrote condemning the cause," says Stu Chaifetz, one of the volunteers who has spurred action against hunting event. "In the space of a day, the event was canceled. The Ducks Unlimited realized that this was a bad situation. Is not just about the cruelty involved in the death of pigeons, which is great in itself, but also as ridiculous as stab the pigeons ", indicates the volunteer.

The SHARK estimates that if the event had not been canceled nearly 2,000 pigeons would have been killed.

Foto: zigazou76/Creative Commons

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Japanese Rakuten is the largest online retailer of ivory and whale meat

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The Rakuten, a Japanese online trading company â€" which also holds the Kobo e-book reader and, and was considered by many the greatest conservationists groups online retailing of ivory and whale meat.

In a report published this week, the Environmental Investigation Agency and the Humane Society International indicate that the company's Web site offers approximately 28 thousand products for purchase that contain ivory and 1,200 products related to meat or other whale derivatives. Many of the products concerning whales come from protected species since 1986, under the moratorium on trade of these species, established by the International Whaling Commission, writes the Guardian.

The species in question were also the highest status of protection by the Convention for international trade of Wild Flora and Fauna threatened with extinction, banning the trade of these whales. "In spite of this, many companies are selling endangered whale shark fins imported from Iceland," reads the report.

The report indicates that 14 were identified with products derived from whale that do not indicate the name of the species concerned, which violates the laws of Japanese labelling.

The Rakuten has expanded its international presence in recent years, with subsidiaries in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany and Austria. In 2012, the company employed about 12 thousand employees and reported operating profits of €175,3 million (R$572,2 million). Despite the expansion to international markets, Rakuten has been able to resist international pressure to stop selling whale and ivory products.

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

How to peel a banana?

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Peel a banana might seem like a trivial task and all we think we know this peeling fruit. But maybe I should reconsider. And this video shows you why.

Usually, opens a banana by the foot, using the power of the thumb to the left. However, often the foot is rigid and it is necessary to resort to teeth or even a knife to break it.

However, there is a simpler way to peel a banana and this form is proven by experts in open bananas: the monkeys. Simply squeeze the bottom of the fruit, in part, to open a small crack. Then just Peel the banana the same way as if you had started the shelling by the foot.

See some photos of this complex process.

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

When the ants come to town

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Kozorog Irina photographer developed a series of scenes in which portrays ants as people â€" from snow men, two boyfriends or discuss in a meeting of Directors.

The aim of Russian photographer was taking ants develop worldly actions of a human being, in a kind of bizarre images created with real scenarios. Then, with the help of the computer, she comes to the images you can see on this news.

"For over three years I love Macrophotography and the lives of ants has always fascinated me. They are my favorite topic to photograph my models ", joked the professional.

See some of these pictures, to unwind a complicated week.

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Industrial forest plantations are not forests, denounce environmental activists

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LPN, GEOTA, GAIA, FAPAS, rock, Oikos, Quercus and SPEA have been organizations that rallied today, world day of forests, to assert that the forests are multidimensional systems that combine the structural, functional and biological diversity. This definition includes elements not ferns such as soil, water, microorganisms, fauna and flora and the interaction between species and human communities.

According to the statement sent by the "industrial short rotation crops in monoculture regime are nothing of this and this confusion only serves to harm the forests".

These organizations argue that the various initiatives that are taking place during the day, across the country and around the world, "deserve clarification that many celebrated forests are not in fact".

The proliferation of forest plants for the industrial exploitation does not reverse deforestation. On the contrary, it has contributed to the replacement of ecosystems and biomes rich and complex, as are the forests, for authentic "green deserts", i.e. plantations of Palm, eucalyptus, Acacias or rubber trees, among other monocultures.

"A forest is often the most advanced step in relation to the potential balance of an ecosystem. A forest plantation monoespecífica is a basic and eco-system too lean ", clarifies the statement.

For the loss of the richest forest areas all over the world have contributed and pernicious use of the idea that eucalyptus or acaciais are effectively forests.

In Portugal, although they point to a large forest area, the truth is that plantations of eucalyptus and pine forests, in particular when used in very short rotations schemes for maximum extraction of raw materials, have led to serious environmental, social and economic problems.

One of the proofs is the destruction of biomes such as savannas or grasslands, now occupied by forest plantations with little or no contribution to local economies and to the balance of ecological, biological systems, hydraulic and soil.

Foto: Mr Conguito/Creative Commons

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Kiss giraffe keeper suffering from terminal illness

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These are the photos that depict the exciting moment when a giraffe bids farewell to the keeper of several years, who suffers from terminal cancer. The groom, of 54 years, spent most of his life taking care of giraffes at the Zoo Diergaarde Blijdrop in Rotterdam.

The handler, only known by Mário, asked his hospital bed was transported into the giraffe cage so that he could see the animals one last time. One of the animals approached then handler's bed and gave him a kiss goodbye, referred to the Dutch press.

"These animals have recognized it and felt that things weren't right," asserts Kees Veldboer, founder of Ambulance Wish Foundation â€" an association that is dedicated to fulfill the last wishes of terminally ill-treater's bed that transported to the zoo.

Mario, who had a mental deficiency, may also fire if the coworkers of the zoo, where he worked for almost 25 years.

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Why is Paris so polluted?

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Last week, Parisians have experienced moments that no longer lived for several decades, all of them with a very specific objective: combating pollution. Thus, public transport were free for three days, and the cars just might carry over every other day, depending on their license plates.

Now that the air becomes more breathable, want to read about an old controversy to justify the pollution of Paris â€" subsidies to diesel. According to Le Monde, this pollution is "a reflection of 20 years of inertia of France, that falls on everyone ... and the car industry lobby, which covers drivers, operating system, manufacturers of diesel-powered vehicles, which have stifled the debate on legislation".

According to the French newspaper, Paris is more prone to pollution than other European capitals because of subsidies to diesel, which produces seven times more harmful pollutants than gasoline.

The love story of France with diesel come a long way. A report in the website Huffington Post explains that she date of rural economic stimulus policies of the postwar period, implemented by Governments.

The measures sought to encourage the recovery of the field (about half of the French population lived in rural areas at that time), making diesel for agricultural machinery and trucks cheaply. Taxes and fuel taxes were reduced and continue to be facilitated even today. To give an idea, the reduction of taxes on diesel cost the French economy nearly € 8 billion in 2011 (about US $ 26 billion).

In 2011, diesel cars accounted for 70% of car sales in France. In a city where 60% of the car fleet is moved to this fuel, is not to cause surprise the explosive framework resulting from the combination of local emissions of transport and a climate that prevents â€" or prevented â€" the dissipation of pollutants.

After a week of sunny days and cold nights, much of the Air France â€" and not just in Paris â€" has become a kind of toxic soup. The sudden change of temperature exacerbated the problem, creating a bubble that prevents the polluted air is dissipated. And the cause of everything, apparently, comes from behind â€" very rear.

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Fotos: R. d. D. r/austinevan/Payton Chung/Voyages etc.. /dbakr/alainalele/couscouschocolat/dominique. B/(vincent desjardins)/strelitzia â€"/dbakr/Spixey (still not really getting the new format)/Damouns/kevin dooley/austinevan/Creative Commons

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Red squirrel back to Portugal after extinction of centuries

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Hundreds of years after having been presumed extinct in Portugal, the red squirrel is returning to the country, after an expansion from Galicia, in Spain, in the years 80. In 2000, the animal was already distributed throughout the north country by the River Douro, and today there are already reports of Red squirrels almost to the Tagus River.

According to the biologist Rita Garcia Rocha, of the University of Aveiro (UA), nobody knows for sure, however, exactly where this species occurs. The biologist of the AU, which is studying the expansion of that species in the country, launches an appeal for them to be reported sightings of animals and traces of their presence: "If you see a squirrel be sure to tell us where you found it."  Records can be sent to the Facebook page.

The project, called red squirrel in Portugal, aims to "understand the expansion of the red squirrel in the national territory, what are the factors that influence this expansion and their behavior patterns", reveals the researcher.

In development in wildlife Unit of the Department of Biology of the AU, the project wants to still do the genetic characterization of the species for which, in the final set of results, show what the future of the squirrel in the national territory.

The biologist describes the squirrel as "a friendly rodent, with a very fuzzy tail and which can be sighted in Portuguese forests, mainly in the treetops. Despite its name red squirrel, the coloration varies from Brown to black completely ".

The biologist also asks for being reported indications of their presence, such as pinecones gnawed on the floor of forests, with a peculiar pattern, because the animals leave the scales from the top, forming a small Tuff, and are fairly easy to recognize.

Images: Wikimedia Commons/Rodrigo Saldanha de Almeida/Peter G Trimming/Simbe90/zoutedrop/rengber 

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Plants can generate sustainable energy as they grow

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A Dutch start-up, Plant-and developed a way to use the plants as a continual source of clean energy â€" you only need a light source, carbon dioxide, water and plants.

When plants create their own food through photosynthesis, much of the organic matter generated is excreted into the soil through the roots. This matter is consumed by microorganisms that live in the soil. In turn, these microorganisms release electrons, as byproduct of this consumption. This start-up system consists of placing an electrode near the root system of the plants, which stores this wasted energy and converts it into electricity, referred to Inhabitat.

The process is similar to simple school experiences made with electricity, using apples or potatoes to create batteries. However, this system has the advantage of not harming plants, which continue to grow normally even in the presence of the electrodes, and can be, in this way, a constant source of energy, both day and night.

The system works best in damp or flooded land, as the rice fields, and it doesn't matter if the water use is polluted or has already been used. This factor allows improper areas to cultivation can be reused as an energy source. The system does not require the installation of elaborate infrastructure, which can allow carry electricity to isolated regions that are not served by mains.

Is already being tested in the Netherlands a prototype green roof that uses this technology. Currently, the Plant-and can produce enough energy to power a mobile phone, but the aim is that this method be used soon to collect a larger amount of energy â€" enough to power a home.

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Guimaraes receives exposure on recycling Saturday

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For nine days, from Saturday to March 30, the GuimarãeShopping will be the stage of the exhibition "recycling of Tetra Pak Packings", sensitizing visitors to the importance of this theme.

The exhibition aims to answer several questions, including: "do you know what are made the packaging normally used for the consumption of milk? And that destination must have once used? " The questions will be addressed by Tetra Pak.

Aimed at children and families, the initiative will be present on the Floor of 0 GuimarãeShopping, aiming to raise awareness of the importance of separation of cartons for liquid foods and for recycling after being deposited in the yellow recycling facility.

Visitors can try games, watching movies and participate in educational workshops â€" where recycling can learn how to build various objects from the material that composes the Tetra Pak packaging.

"With this exhibition we want to show visitors how the recycling of our packages and applaud the critical role that all play in this process, through the separation and placement of used packaging in yellow recycling bin», explains Ingrid Hawk, head of Tetra Pak ' s Environment in Portugal.

One of Tetra Pak ' s environmental targets for 2020 is to double to 40% recycling rate of their packaging. In this sense, the company focuses many of its efforts in awareness-raising activities of consumers.

Learn more about the exhibition at Protects What's good.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

EVOA: a haven for birdwatching on the outskirts of Lisbon

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Flamingos, eagles, marrequinhas, fishing-geese, herons, warblers. In total, the estuary of the river Tagus is home to about 200 different species of birds. Was the natural wealth of the estuary itself that it has boosted the site as one of the most important meeting points, at national level, of migratory species.

Among this wealth of the Tagus estuary and the Lezíria de Vila Franca de Xira-where the Tagus and Sorraia converge, giving rise to the largest wetland of Portugal, was born at the end of 2012 a natural paradise for birds EVOA name (space of Visitation and birdwatching).

Celebrating a year of life, this space is assumed already as a place of excellence for birdwatching and for those who want to learn more about the biodiversity that exists in the region of greater Lisbon.

About 70 hectares, EVOA integrates three freshwater ponds â€" the main, the Shallow and Wide. In each of these wetlands that are strategically placed observation points of birds, although the animals can be observed from any point of booking.

Although the estuary receive 200 different bird species, not all pass through EVOA. According to Sandra P, Coordinator of the space, this last winter were accounted for approximately 14 thousand birds of 45 different species.

In addition to the birds, visitors can still find wild boars and foxes, which circulate freely by booking online. Also there were otters, but currently no animal of this species inhabits the place.

Dissemination through the "pass it on"

Since the opening in April of 2013, who have passed away by EVOA about 4,000 visitors, being that most visits occur between November and January, when there are more birds in the reserve due to winter migrations.

Visits can be made autonomously, but this mode is more advisable to observers and experienced photographers. For amateur observers a guided tour is the best option â€" there is no risk of losing the tracks and the identification of birds is facilitated by the help of guides.

The best time of day to visit is during the high tide, since the flow of the river and estuary birds on refuge in artificial ponds EVOA, allowing for better observation.

According to Sandra P, most visitors never made bird-watching before and is from Lisbon. "Maybe the inhabitants of Vila Franca do not appreciate so much space for are already in the lezíria", points to the Coordinator. Most who visit this paradise undisturbed in the middle of the lezíria goes into groups or families or in study tours offered by various educational institutions. "It is customary to see a person who came in group go back some time later with another different group. Works quite the wrong word ", indicates.

According to the Coordinator of the space, the objective is that the Center will receive between 10 to 15 thousand visitors annually within three years, which should promote the self-sustainability of the place.

In addition to the rails and strategic points of observation of the birds, the EVOA has an interpretive center where visitors reception is made. In the Center there is a permanent exhibition where visitors can get to know the different bird species and their characteristics, migration routes and a little of the history of the estuary and the lezíria. There is also an interactive space with games and movies.

In addition to visitors, the playful and components still gathers EVOA pedagogical, by performing and workshops and ateliers, both for families and for the schools.

The project was born of a protocol EVOA, initiated in 2007, between the breeze and the Companhia das Lezírias, owner of the land, under the programme for Biodiversity Breeze. The space cost three million, with the breeze contributed €1,3 million. The remaining funds came from the National Strategic reference framework. Later, also the Institute of nature conservation and forestry, city of Vila Franca, of Aquaves, the Association of the beneficiaries of the Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira and the League for nature protection joined the project.

Currently, the space is guaranteed by the Breeze and the Companhia das Lezírias until 2017, at which time it is anticipated that the space becomes self-sustaining.

The EVOA can be visited throughout the year, with prices ranging between € 6.6 and € 12. However, this year the space will be closed during July for maintenance of Rails, month in which there are fewer birds in the reserve. 

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