Friday, December 5, 2014

South Africa: shark that washed up dead is stabbed to save the three babies

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When an American family found a dead shark on a beach in Cape Town, South Africa, the first reaction was to leave the animal alone, but something happened, however, he changed his State of mind: the pregnant belly of the shark moved several times.

So, and realizing that the unborn sharks were alive, a man cut the belly of the beast to leave their cubs live. According to the video of the moment, recently placed online, the babies took some time to respond, but eventually let himself see.

You will hear a woman's voice, asking the man to not to bite â€" sharks are born already with your complete dentition â€" and, after a few moments of tension, the makeshift veterinary grabbed the newborn by the tail and threw it into the sea.

As the witnesses give congratulations to good Samaritan, a second shark begins to move and is sent to the sea â€" there is a third, which followed the path of the brothers. The good Samaritan still sought a fourth shark, but there was none.

Although not traditional as arrived in the world, the three sharks should live a normal life. In fact, they can stay up to two years in the mother's womb, but as soon as they are born to move away â€" is that, often, the mother ends up eating the babies become independent from the moment they are born.

Here are some pictures of the rescue â€" with poor quality â€" and, at this link, go to the video.

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Foto: Sandra Schleter/Creative Commons

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