Wednesday, November 19, 2014

South Africa: recycled containers transformed into educational space for children

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The South African Architects atelier of Justice was hired to design a library. However, the project ran out of funding and the architects had to find an economic solution that allowed the construction of the library. The solution was to create the building from export containers, ensuring a quality and interaction space for children.

SEED Library, as it was named the library is intended to be a prototype that can be reproduced in other places and under similar financial conditions. The containers were positioned perpendicularly. The top container, painted green and gray, serves as a reading room and has small rooms to study. The space below is for collective activities. The entire building is equipped with LED lighting.

Last year, the SEED Library was awarded a prize in the Loeries, a Gauteng Institute for Architects Merit Award and was nominated for other awards, referred to Inhabitat. The library was conceived as a semi-permanent solution that can serve as a model for other spaces.

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