Sunday, November 9, 2014

A shelf which turns into coffin

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In some cultures it is tradition that the dead be buried with some of their belongings. Inspired by that usual, William Warren created the Shelves for Life, which run during the shelf life and coffin in death.

To build a coffin are required large amounts of wood and a lot of raw material turns out to be wasted on the trim and ornamentation of the casket, referred to Inhabitat. Many people buy their coffin before he died, to save you the trouble to the family at the time of his death. But, ironically, is a subject that the person can never enjoy.

The system of Shelves for Life, however, allows a person to make use of a piece of furniture for a living, while ensuring a final resting place. To have a dual use, this shelf-coffin becomes environmentally friendly since the same raw material is used twice, preventing the slaughter of more trees.

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