Thursday, November 6, 2014

A belt that turns into a scooter

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If he thinks he has seen it all when it comes to sustainable mobility, then watch this belt-or scooter-which transforms into a scooter â€" or belt. The invention is the designer Adam Torok, who believes that the future of mobility will be dominated by humans, so I thought of something that could be part of our clothing.

"The more efficient vehicles and crossing two points in a minimum space of time are our legs. But there is something more important, storage, "said Torok the City Lab.

"Various methods that have been developed in recent years will become obsolete if a vehicle is designed to be completely portable, usable and part of our apparel," continued the designer. Vehicles like this.

Torok designed the vehicle for his thesis at the University of West Hungary â€" Institute of Applied Arts. The belt weighs 1.8 pounds â€" Yes, it's heavy, but it's as if we went back to the era of the Wild West, with large belts â€" and the scooter is not the most stylish. But it works and will be on sale soon, ensures the designer.

According to the website, the only problem of this system is, eventually, drop us your pants. And there's a certain amount of reason on this idea, actually.

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