Saturday, October 4, 2014

Eid al-Adha: the festival where animals are cruelly slaughtered

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The cattle were fattened, the sharp knives and there are celebrations in the streets of the cities of several Muslim countries. Is the Eid al-Adha, known in the Western world as the Festival of sacrifice, where thousands of animals are sacrificed.

This year, the festival is scheduled to begin on the night of 3 October, Friday and last until Saturday night, based on the Islamic lunar calendar. The festival also marks the end of Hajj, the pilgrimage to Holy Mecca.

Goats, sheep, camels and cows â€" depending on the customs of the country â€" are the main animals. After the ritual, their meat is shared among family members and friends or is donated to the neediest. There are many families, even those with few economic resources, saving during the whole year for this time you can acquire an animal to sacrifice. Only in Pakistan, approximately 10 million animals are euthanized in the days of the festival, says the International Business Times.

In addition to the sacrifices, the festivities are marked by the exchange of gifts, in particular clothing. It is also customary for Muslims to visit family and friends and the older ones tend to give money to the children.

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