Monday, September 22, 2014

The angriest of the frog world

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Although it seems to be permanently angry, this is the natural aspect of Breviceps fuscus, or common name, black rain frog. This is a frog in the screwy-looking, mostly terrestrial and endemic to the South coast of Africa.

One of the features of this frog is the ability to dig Burrows that can reach 150 mm deep.  During the breeding season, on the other hand, are males who are guarding the eggs in the holes previously built.

This frog has a special mechanism of defence. When you get scared or is grabbed, the black rain frog inflates its body and propels itself through the air, in order to escape the danger. Normally, this defense mechanism is more used for digging burrows and animals are less alert to potential dangers, referred to the Dodo.

The main threats to this mad frog are mostly loss of habitat as a result of deforestation and the introduction of invasive vegetation in its habitat, as well as the fires.

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