Thursday, July 3, 2014

The American teenager who's shocked animal lovers

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Kendall Jones, a 19-year-old American, is the shock the community of animal lovers â€" and not only! â€" with your photos along with hippos, elephants, leopards, zebras, Lions or Tigers ... all hunted for African safaris.

Jones, who puts all these photos on Facebook, explained that these photos are proof of their hunting qualities and, oddly, "dedication to conservation". "Control the male population of Lions is important in large areas such as these. The financing of these hunts are for the Government but also to the owner of the property, as an incentive for him to create lions, "explains Jones.

When the young page on Facebook became known to the public, was launched a petition for his own Facebook to remove â€" in just a week, the petition has gathered 40 thousand signatures.

"For the sake of animals, especially those in the African region, where the hunters just for fun to kill an animal", can be read in the petition.

In one of the photos, in which Jones is beside a rhino facing extinction, the young claims that the animal was not killed. "The vet take blood, DNA samples, measured the head and a leg wound. I'm a lucky girl to be part of this great program and help the population of white rhino, "he explained.

A second petition, originating in South Africa, wants to ban Jones from entering the Mainland. See some of the photos, which may shock â€" and, if you find these shocking photos, sign petitions.

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