Saturday, July 19, 2014

La Bestia: the most desired and dangerous world train

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They call him La Bestia-the beast in Portuguese-or the train of death, and for many is the only opportunity to live a decent life. Every day, this freight train traverses part of Mexican territory to the border with the United States, and about 1,500 people end up traveling on your roof in search of a new life in America.

Most of these migrants are from Central America â€" many of them minors. According to the Daily Mail, between October and the end of June about 44 thousand unaccompanied minors traveled in La Bestia.

To worsen the already precarious situation, many of these people end up falling from the train, getting seriously injured â€" there is even a temporary treatment center for these refugees, the Alberge de Buen Pastor Jesus.

According to the Daily Mail, the situation at La Bestia is several times referred to the high-level meetings of the rulers of the United States, Mexico and Central American countries. However, so far, nothing has been done to solve this issue.

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