Monday, July 28, 2014

Hidden pools of New York

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Sometimes, life in cities can be boring, with both concrete and no green spaces â€" especially at the peak of summer, when temperatures are highest. No rivers or streams for cooling off, who can help themselves from swimming pools to relax â€" but are rare people with the capacity for this fun artificial.

It would be normal that, in a city like New York, this was also the rule, but the exclusive neighbourhood of Manhattan has a hidden luxury but perfect for summer-swimming pools on top of some buildings.

According to The New York Times, who photographed some of these equipment, an apartment in these buildings can cost around €5,5 million ($ 166 million). For the vast majority, however, cool in the summer of New York will still have to pass by throwing water balloons at each other or vandalize the hydrants.

As New York is growing â€" increasingly â€" vertically, urban wellness solutions are moulding themselves to life in the cities. See some pictures of these urban paradises and, like us, please feel envy.

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