Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A castle built from garbage

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Located on top of a quarry disabled, in Washington State, there is the "Junk Castle", a dwelling that resembles a castle and was built from recovered materials and garbage, as the name indicates.

The castle was built in the Decade of 1970 by Victor Moore, teacher and artist, for only €367 and from parts found in a dump site. Although they can be found at the scene pieces and sculptures of various kinds, the Castle stands out from the other buildings.

The materials used in the construction of the building varies between tiles, metal cans, parts of washing machines, various boxes, trays and even car doors. Since I built the Castle, Moore never had major problems with the authorities concerning the construction and the building there remains today, referred to Inhabitat.

Now, the American wants to sell the property, which includes a main house, which was built from a warehouse of milling and hopes that the new owners keep the garbage Castle standing, since it attracts many visitors.

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