Thursday, July 10, 2014

10 foods that speed up metabolism

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Who does not know people who eat a lot and are lean and others that, despite all the care, diet cannot stop the hands of scale? Metabolism can be the hero or the villain of diet, according to work faster or slower. And if yours is slow, do not despair, because it can give you a push with the help of some foods. Learn about the foods that, according to my Well-being, increase metabolism.

1. extra virgin olive oil

Despite being a type of fat, we know that this type of olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and in terms of oleic acid, an omega-9 from the olives.

Is considered a metabolic activator, mainly due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and help control blood lipid values.

2. Water

A good hydration keeps the assets necessary physiological mechanisms so that the metabolism is running at 100%. Water is required to maintain the functioning of enzymes in ideal conditions and the appropriate temperatures. Drinking water is a natural form of hydration and to maintain active metabolism.

3. it started with a

Algae such as kelp, fucus, wakame, nori, and Spirulina are rich in iodine, a mineral necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid, a gland that plays a key role in metabolism.

At the same time contain a good amount of mucilage, a soluble fiber, which helps in the control of appetite. Have a good supply of iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and B and are quite rich in chlorophyll, a Green pigment in plants natural activation of enzymes involved in the production of energy, which will help you to train harder and better.

4. Garlic

Its flavor and intense odor provide a clue that is a metabolic Activator. The nutrient-rich content in sue sulfur helps produce some amino acids such as methionine and cysteine, which are important to gain muscle mass. Additionally, in addition to all its medicinal properties, derived largely from the allicin content, promotes the increase in body temperature, which is an indicator of metabolic activation.

5. Broccoli

Broccoli are holders of numerous beneficial properties for the metabolism. Are rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium, the latter with a good capacity of absorption by the body. And are rich in a substance that also favors the hormonal control, important in the synthesis of muscle mass as in fat burning.

6. Cocoa

The raw material for chocolate, namely cocoa, is also a potent activator and metabolic stimulant. Your seed is rich in fiber, magnesium and substances that activate the energy, similar to caffeine, and theobromine.

7 cinnamon

Replace the use of cinnamon sugar and you will see that you will get a sweet flavour, but also promotes a better control of blood sugar levels, avoiding the peaks of hunger. Cinnamon contains properties that increase insulin sensitivity, particularly in diabetes type 2, and energy metabolism.

8. Ginger

This Asian root with spicy aroma allows you to increase the speed of your metabolism up to 5%, generating body heat. Is holder of numerous medicinal properties, assisting in preventing colds, flus and infections.

 9. Mirtilos

Are one of the wild fruits with higher amount of antioxidants. Its bluish-purple color is due to the high content in anthocyanins, a substance with numerous preventive effects of diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, urinary infections, cancer, among others. Helps the metabolic system to be active and promotes the effect you want.

10. fish and shellfish

Your content in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids causes are great foods to maintain active metabolism. Also provide good intake of iodine, important for the proper functioning of the thyroid. The fatty fish contain optimal levels of anti-inflammatory fats still Omega-3, which help care for muscle and joint tissues, to avoid certain injuries.

The clams hold large amount of iron, a mineral essential for red blood cells to transport oxygen to the tissues. When more muscles are oxygenated, better work and more fat burning.

On the other hand, the white fish are a lean protein easily digestible, great when you want to make a light meal for dinner.

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