Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Prague: former television tower transformed into hotel

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The Žižkov television tower located in Prague, the Czech Republic, is considered by many to be an eyesore, a legacy of the Czechoslovak Eastern-inspired megalomania. However, this was not enough to stop the One Room Hotel in creating a room in dita Tower, an interesting cultural point located 230 metres above the city's streets.

In contrast with the Communist-era foreign projects, the hotel room features a contemporary design, luxurious furnishings and modern technology.

With a price per night is around 650€, the visitors of the hotel can also have a different perspective of the city, from the Observatory located at the top of the tower. On the ground beneath it lies the Oblaca restaurant.

Users of this hotel can enjoy a bathroom with glass walls, which allow you to relax in style and watch the city skyline from your secluded hideaway.

Originally built between 1986 and 1992, the Tower consists of three concrete pillars with a metallic finish. This TV tower still serves as a shelter for the transmission equipment that is supposed to have been used for the operation of the communications zone West, during the occupation of the Communist country.

Although Žižkov continue to be a stone in the shoe of the inhabitants of Prague, new Setup reduced the hatred of the population. A good example of urban redevelopment.

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