Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Italy will sell Islands, castles and palaces

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The new Italian Government, led by Matteo Renzi, will alienate a good portion of its real estate and natural heritage â€" from the island of Poveglia (View gallery), of which we have already talked in Green Savers, until a castle on the border with Slovenia.

The aim is to allocate the money raised from these sales to reduce its public debt, which amounted to 130 percent of GDP. According to El Pais, the Italian Government is unaware of the magnitude of its heritage, but it is estimated that he is among the €218 billion, according to a recent report by the Ministry of economy and finance in the country, and the €400 billion, as various private organizations.

Despite having 634 thousand buildings, which occupy a total of 300 million square meters, the Italian State spends $ 1000 million a year to rent offices and offices for officials.

Renzi's plan â€" which had already been put into practice by the new Prime Minister at the time of their passage by the House of Florence-provides for the disposal of empty buildings, neighbourhoods semi-abandonados or other infrastructure that are not being used â€" including castles, palaces and abandoned Islands, as Poveglia, which can be leased for 99 years.

Until then, however, Renzi has no other remedy that continue to sell State-owned companies, for which looks for a recipe between eight and € 10 billion in the short term.

Remember the photos of the island of Poveglia, considered the most haunted of Italy â€" maybe that's why the Italian Government the ponders to divest.

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